Nora's Journey

*Photo representative of the survivors we serve.


Nora* is a 10-year-old survivor who lives in a rural community just outside of Davidson County. Today she lives with her grandmother, little brother, and her dachshund, Tilly. Though it’s hard to believe, just one year ago Nora was exploited in her own home, a place that should have been safe.

Trauma at such a young age has immeasurable consequences. Nora began to feel ashamed, experiencing chronic anxiety and lashing out with explosive anger. Thankfully Nora’s fourth-grade teacher recognized these behaviors as red flags and quickly reported her suspicions to the TN Human Trafficking Hotline and DCS.

Because of the safe adults in her life and ESTN’s training for educators, Nora is now safe and living the childhood she always deserved. She is incredibly strong, likes science class and purple hair, and takes karate lessons every Wednesday night. She loves talking to her therapist and is very excited about her eleventh birthday this fall. Her future is full of hopes and dreams.

As ESTN celebrates its first decade, we lift up Nora. She is the reason we press forward as an agency, knowing there is so much work left to do. With your help, we learn, grow, and work diligently to secure a better future for all survivors of human trafficking in Tennessee.


*Name and some details changed to protect confidentiality.


Will you give today and join survivors, like nora, on their journey towards ultimate freedom?

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