Kiara's Journey


*Photo representative of the women we serve.

It’s the smallest things that are really the biggest.

At End Slavery, I’ve received emotional and financial support. My Care Coordinator was always a phone call away and when I needed assistance with things in the outside world she is always able to help.

End Slavery takes care of needs like hygiene and food. They helped me with job materials, clothes and shoes. They go above and beyond to make sure I am as successful as I can be.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you, End Slavery!
— Kiara

Kiara’s trafficking began when she was 15- years-old. A history of childhood sexual abuse from family members made her the target of a man looking to exploit the pain of a vulnerable child.

This man groomed Kiara – a tactic employed by traffickers to train and prepare a victim to be sold for sex. He gained Kiara’s trust, bought her gifts, told her she was special and let her spend the night when she didn’t want to return home. He started to isolate Kiara from friends. He bought her a cell phone, but controlled who she contacted.

Her childhood trauma distorted her views of sex and love. Believing this man to be her boyfriend, Kiara thought these control tactics were evidence of deep love. Kiara felt she owed him for everything he did for her. He put an advertisement online and sold her for sex in and out of motel rooms for several years.

Kiara was identified by law enforcement officers when she was 19 and referred to End Slavery Tennessee's (ESTN) holistic aftercare services. She has complex-PSTD from her trafficking history and childhood trauma. She struggles with low self-esteem, depression and anxiety.

Kiara also used drugs while she was being trafficked to numb the pain and survive the trauma she was experiencing. She had a trauma bond with her trafficker - a strong emotional attachment between an abused person and their abuser, formed as a result of the cycle of violence and confused by distorted views of self and body.

At ESTN, Kiara worked with a trained Care Coordinator receiving comprehensive, trauma-informed aftercare specific to her individual needs and personal goals. Kiara’s Care Coordinator advocated for her to receive benefits from the victim compensation fund and procured a laptop for Kiara amidst COVID-19 to help her with virtual learning.

Kiara loved hearing stories of other survivors, so her Care Coordinator connected her with an alumni survivor, mentor and brought her books about trafficking.

Every day that Kiara faced the trauma of her past, she proves her strength and courage for her future. Kiara’s story is far from over, but because of the support of a generous community, Kiara is on the road to healing and restoration.


*Name and some identifying details changed to protect confidentiality.



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