A Message from Margie Quin, CEO

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This week, Governor Bill Lee proposed the largest state appropriation to support Human Trafficking survivors in our state’s history. A 3.5-million-dollar investment with End Slavery Tennessee (ESTN) will enable our agency to begin a five-phase plan to increase affordable, safe housing opportunities and intensify trauma informed care in a clinical environment. The state’s investment will enable ESTN staff to walk along-side survivors through a two-year healing journey that begins and ends with safe and stable housing.

Research indicates human trafficking survivors need on average two years of support before they can begin to address the extensive, complex trauma experienced from being trafficked. Transition periods are the most common times for setbacks and regression. Increasing the length in programming and creating affordable, safe housing opportunities provides smoother transition periods towards independence in a phased approach. We anticipate the extension of housing opportunities will foster the confidence and skills needed to successfully transition into the community.

We stand behind Governor Bill Lee’s proposal to prioritize healing, housing and hope for survivors and ask the community and legislature to make the biggest stand that Tennessee has ever seen against one of the most horrific and growing crimes in the United States.

We need you. We need your voice.

Thank you, Governor Bill Lee, for investing in the present and future of human trafficking survivors in Tennessee!

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